Can You Get a Healthy Smile With One Trip to the Orthodontist?
Time is the most precious commodity you have, so it only makes sense that orthodontic patients are looking for ways to improve their smiles without having to make frequent trips to the orthodontist. Thankfully, this dream is becoming a reality as technology improves in the world of orthodontics. In fact, you can now get straight teeth by making one visit to the office.
The Initial Exam
It all starts with a free initial exam at our office. Using the iTero scanner, a 3D rendering of your smile will be generated in about one minute. We then use this ultra-precise image to create an exact mold of your teeth and gums. Finally, 3D printing technology creates a set of Invisalign trays that will securely snap into place and begin moving your teeth into proper alignment.
Along with the digital scan of your teeth, we’ll also gather x-rays of your teeth and jaws. This is a crucial step that allows us to see what’s going on beneath the gum line. Using these images, we can create a better treatment plan and address any underlying issues before moving forward with treatment.
Completing Treatment with Dental Monitoring
After you go home from your initial exam, you may never have to make another trip to the office thanks to the Dental Monitoring system. Combining a specialized mouthpiece with the camera on your smartphone, you can send in clear photos of your teeth to our office for review.
We’ll make an assessment of the images and let you know if you are ready to move on to your next set of aligners. Your aligners will be shipped directly to your home in plenty of time for you to start the next phase of treatment.
Semi-Remote Orthodontics vs. Mail-Order Treatment
Reading this, you may be thinking this sounds an awful lot like some of the mail-order orthodontic treatment systems popping up in your social media ads. However, there are a few crucial differences between using Dental Monitoring with us and mail-order treatment.
The initial trip to the office allows us to take x-rays and proceed with a treatment plan that takes what’s happening underneath the gum line into consideration. The digital scan is also more accurate – and more pleasant – than the at-home putty you’ll have to use to submit impressions with mail-order treatment.
Mail-order treatment systems also tend to contract with dentists who don’t have the additional licensing required to be an orthodontist and who are really more focused on their dental patients. When you use Dental Monitoring with our office, your treatment will be supervised by a licensed orthodontist who is a Diamond Invisalign Provider, which means she has treated hundreds of Invisalign patients.
Can I Still Come to the Office for Checkups?
Absolutely! If you still want to visit the office for some checkups or if an issue arises, we encourage you to do so and will be happy to see you in person. Our goal is to provide excellent treatment as conveniently as possible for our patients.
Contact Milnor Orthodontics today to learn more and to schedule your initial exam.
At Milnor Orthodontics, our experts are here to help you achieve a priceless smile. Call our office at (970) 230-3187 or visit milnororthodontics.com to learn more. We're located at 1103 S. Shields St. in Fort Collins, Colorado.