Exactly how much does Invisalign cost in Ft Collins CO?

Is Invisalign Worth the Cost?

Are you thinking about getting the smile you’ve always wanted with Invisalign but are slightly apprehensive about the cost of treatment? The cost of orthodontic treatment with Invisalign and braces are quite comparable, and when it comes to what more and more patients prefer, Invisalign is pulling ahead in the race. These clear removable aligners are becoming a top choice for patients everywhere. So, is Invisalign worth the cost? Let’s find out.

Your Everyday Lifestyle

With Invisalign, you don’t have to miss a beat. You’re able to tackle your orthodontic treatment without it impacting your lifestyle, which is a major concern for many patients. There are no emergencies, like a bracket popping off your teeth at 8 p.m. on a Friday or a wire coming loose during a weekend soccer game. Orthodontist appointments don’t get in the way either, making this form of treatment perfect for busy parents and teens alike. Not only are the appointments with your orthodontist typically quicker, they are less frequent, so you can get on with your busy lives without worrying about your orthodontic treatment.

Maintaining Your Smile

One of the main perks of Invisalign, especially for teenage boys, is the ability to eat whatever you want. Unlike braces, there are no food restrictions with the Invisalign program. Oral hygiene practices are also easier. With no brackets or wires getting in the way, brushing and flossing is a breeze. As you may already know, when you maintain proper oral hygiene practices, you limit your risk of tooth decay, gum disease and other serious issues. Because of this, Invisalign maintains its popularity among patients and orthodontists alike.

Special Occasions

Invisalign makes it easy to maintain your confidence during special occasions or important meetings at work. Smile confidently and limit speech issues during your work presentation and enjoy that wedding, holiday gathering or other special occasion how you were meant to enjoy it. The beauty of Invisalign is it’s flexible. If you want to remove it for a wedding or an important presentation at work, you’re able to do just that. Keep in mind that for the Invisalign program to be most effective, the aligners must be worn for the proper amount of time each day.

Other Benefits of Invisalign

Invisalign is a product many orthodontists stand by, and it’s no surprise why this product continues to excel in the treatment of many orthodontic issues. Other benefits of Invisalign include:

  • Ability to correct severe to mild orthodontic issues
  • Shorter treatment times, in some cases
  • Comfortable fit
  • Invisalign digital scans make for a more precise treatment plan

When you choose Invisalign for your orthodontic treatment plan, you’re not only getting a product that provides proven results, you’re getting a product that works with your everyday life. No matter if your schedule is hectic and chaotic or if you’re on a break from school, Invisalign fits. It’s simple.

So, is Invisalign worth it? With all of the benefits that go along with the program, we sure think so! Begin your orthodontic journey with Invisalign and experience the benefits first-hand. You won’t be disappointed.

At Milnor Orthodontics, our experts are here to help you achieve a priceless smile. Call our office at (970) 484-3214 or visit milnororthodontics.com to learn more. We're located at 1103 S. Shields St. in Fort Collins, Colorado.