Could You Need Braces Again?

Could you need braces again in Ft. Collins CO?

As you look in the mirror, you notice something…your perfect smile isn’t so perfect anymore. What happened? It may have been months or years since your braces have come off, but one thing remains the same…teeth shift. This means in failing to follow your orthodontist’s instructions post-treatment, you may need to undergo another round of…

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You’re Never Too Old to Have Braces

Adult with braces

New Year, new you! 2019 is the year you should finally take that plunge and start your journey to a perfect smile with braces. It doesn’t matter if you’re a teen or an adult, you deserve to have perfectly aligned and healthy teeth! Young or old , braces are a great option for you! Why…

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Why Fall is the Best Time for Moms to Get Braces or Invisalign

Braces for moms

There’s never a bad time to get started on your orthodontic treatment, but there are some times that are a little better and more convenient than others. The fall, for example, is an excellent time for a hardworking mom to get started on her personal journey toward perfectly aligned teeth. Kids Are in School Kids…

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More Women than Ever are Getting Orthodontic Treatment

Woman in braces

Not to quote Beyoncé or anything, but girls run the world. Women in this society are more empowered than ever, and that is definitely something to be celebrated! Sure, looks aren’t everything, but there are few things better than feeling epically confident about yourself. So, why are more women than ever getting orthodontic treatment? Oral…

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